Saturday, October 14, 2017

Winter Art

With winter drawing closer, a lot of your guy's art is probably beginning to either be snow themed in excitement for the upcoming season, or clinging to bright and summer themed, in a sort of denial of the snow that will most likely be falling sooner rather than later.

Whatever the case, let's be real here. A lot of you are probably starting to see more winter themed decorations around, and if you aren't well...just wait until Halloween is over. Ever notice that the day after Halloween Christmas decorations seem to just pop up out of nowhere? It's just like they don't care that there's an entire month between Halloween and Christmas, the stores just want to start making cash from Christmas shoppers.

But back to decorations. When you're an artist, you tend to take in details, store them, and incorporate them into your pictures later down the road. So as you're seeing snow-themed decorations, chances are your pictures are going to become snow related.

So why not do it intentionally? Start with using different shades of blue and white. Maybe sprinkle in some pale indigo, a little hint of green for evergreen trees if you want, and of course a pencil. Those are going to be your main colors most likely, perhaps with sprinkles of other colors for animals, people, rainbows, or maybe for magic if it's a fantasy setting.

When doing your picture, mainly your background, try to give it a smooth, crystalline look. Add in small, fine details such as snowflakes, animal tracks, even a good shading can transform a picture!

And remember to have fun drawing! When you've got a completed winter picture, or maybe you have one you drew some time ago, feel free to pull it out of the shadows, and show it off in the comments!

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