Saturday, June 10, 2017

More Insparation Ideas

Alright, so you remember this post? If not, I suggest you go and read it. It talks about taking inspiration from places that you might not expect. In this post, I'll be talking about more places to gain inspiration for your images, and hopefully by the time I'm done, you'll be taking in inspiration from everything you look at!

Alright, so first off, take a look around you. Are you sitting in your room? Pay close attention to the designs on your blankets, and study any toys that might be lying around, could you take some of those designs and put them into your drawings? Are you sitting at a desk? Well, are there any paintings around? Or some books with elaborately drawn covers are sitting nearby. Or maybe you are outside, or perhaps in the car. Look at your surroundings; are there any funky looking trees? Or maybe a cloud shaped like a mermaid princess!

Another good place to look for inspiration, is by watching a movie, but instead of watching the main character, the person the screen is focusing on, focus your gaze at the background stuff, and see what inspires you from there!

Take in all the little details, and pause the movie at random scenes to see what's going on.

Or if you like Legos, try designing a build, and then making it, or perhaps do it the other way around, do the build, and then make a drawing based on your build!

I sure hope these tips have helped you.
Do you have any tips to share? I'd love to hear them!

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