Saturday, April 7, 2018

Art Showcase -- Dragons

For the past couple of months, my computer has pretty much been dying. And I don't mean that it's taken this long to start running out of battery (that would be absolutely amazing) I  mean that if it isn't plugged in then it isn't on.

Despite that, I've been able to continue working on the novel I'm writing, and I've put some finishing touches on the character designs. I would like to show a few of them to you, and if any of you reading this are artists, I wonder if you could maybe leave a comment and let me know? I'd love to see some of your own artwork.

Basically I've got two pictures here I'm gonna show you, and I'm going to tell the defining features for their species. Let's get going shall we?

Fire Dragons: Red, Orange, and very rarely Yellow, these fire breathing dragons are fierce warriors. Their leather-like wings are often the color of their flames, and the black markings around their eyes allow them to see across great distances. Their horns start off straight, but as they get older they begin to curve. Some Fire Dragons are known as Two-Toned, and have differently colored feet and muzzles. 

Ice Dragons: White, Gray, or Black, these ice breathing dragons are better strategists than warriors. With feathered wings and ram-like horns, they are quite easy to identify. Some of them,  known as Shimmer-Wings, have pink, purple, or blue feathers. They are also the tallest of all dragon kinds.

So...yeah. I hope you enjoyed, I have been working on these guys for a while, and keep a look out for a how to draw Fire and Ice. See you all hopefully soon!