When you're an artist, it's really only natural that you draw what you have on your mind. For example, I read a lot of books about dragons and cats, so a lot of my pictures end up being of dragons or cats. Next time you find yourself unable to come up with something to draw, find the closest book, open it to a random page, and draw the scene that you read!
Another trick you can try, is picking a game, either board game, card game, or video game. Take something you remember from it, a character, a certain location or scene, or even just an item you need to play. Then, with that thing in mind (Or with a visual reference if you're like me and you like things to be as similar to their original as possible) take a piece of paper and a pencil and try to draw it either as close to the original as you can, or put your own spin on it!
And finally, the third trick I've come up with since the last inspirational-themed post, is...
Whenever you find yourself bored with nothing to do and no muse to draw, either get out your own legos, or download the app Lego Digital Designer. Using legos, make something fun, cool, or just random. Then, when you're done, draw what you've created in your own way.
Anyways, that's all the tips for now. If you have any more ways to get rid of art block, leave a comment below!