Looking at the image above. What would you say it was made in? Photoshop? Gimp perhaps?
How many of you would say Windows Paint?
Well, those of you who said Windows Paint, you would be correct!
Paint is an under appreciated tool, that, once mastered, can be very handy!
Now sometimes other tools, like Photoshop, are needed for getting a glow, see-through, or other such effects, but you can do a surprisingly detailed image, using Paint alone.
One item you should use when using Paint though, is a stylus. It gives much more control over your brush, and lets you make even more detailed images. But using a mouse alone, you can create images like the above using the Pencil tool, followed by mass use of Fill-In and then shading, or you can even make simple gifs, like the one below!
Granted I made that two years ago when I was first starting to gain interest in GA, hence the left over lines, glitches, and horrible design, but all of the frames were made in Paint, then put together and times in Photoscape.
You don't have to have Photoshop or Gimp to make art, you can do amazing things, using Paint alone!
What have you made in Paint? Feel free to comment with an image, or even just a simple description!
And if you have a computer without Paint, then do you have an image made in something similar? Nothing fancy like Photoshop, just the standard art program your laptop came with.